Diving Deep
Design and collate a portfolio of work by photographer Zena Holloway
Zena Holloway is an underwater photographer who specializes in creating still and moving images. Her images capture the deep and often complex subconscious connections we have to oceans, rivers and lakes. As an exercise in typography, I was tasked with creating a look book that represented Holloway’s work.

I wanted to create a book that was fluid yet active and allowed the photographer’s work to speak for it self. I came up with an overall airy design that utilized negative space to further dramatize the already-fantastical photos by Holloway.

Using tabs, indentation, and various hang lines, I came up with a system for organizing content while maintaining a buoyant design. It was important, given the content, that I come up with a fluid rhythmic grid. To keep with the overall minimalistic design, I created a simple type hierarchy for the content. I picked Baskerville and Avenue Next as the typefaces for their legibility and sleek design.